Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Makes You Want to Hug a Muslim!

This weekend Altha and I went to an Indian movie “I am Khan,” a redemptive story of long suffering and love—every bit as poignant as the now famous Indian film “Slum Dog Millionaire.” You will recall that I wrote a post in January called “Why is the World Embracing Islam” in which I expressed concern that believers must understand that Islam is the Church’s enemy. The goal of Islam is to convert the world, by force if necessary, so all will submit to Allah, the God of Abraham and Ishmael (note, I didn’t say Isaac). In many Muslim nations, Christianity is outlawed, and Christians are routinely persecuted and martyred.

The motion picture “I am Khan” attempts to change the attitudes of fear and intolerance toward Muslims by showing us Khan, a gentle and engaging character who challenges the status quo when he marries a Hindu woman and later becomes dear friends with black Pentecostal Christians. There is plenty of love and kindness to go around. Khan is so endearing, you just want to hug him.

Now I don’t think there is anything wrong with hugging a Muslim (or a Buddhist or a Hindu for that matter). But the underlying message of the film shouldn’t escape us. There is a great emphasis in the world today on uniting people of all ‘faiths,’ toward the promotion of a pan-religious world view—the grand universal brotherhood of mankind. Don’t be deceived by this. Satan is behind the scenes moving mankind toward a one-world order. And be careful. When Satan shows up, the Bible says he will look like an angel of light. Or he could look just like the sweet and huggable “Khan.”


  1. Greg, I could not help, but "giggle" at the last part of your blog; or he could look just like the sweet and huggable "Khan." This was a great reminder!

  2. Indeed! We can be so easily decieved when the enemy shows up in a little lamb's clothing! And it isn't the charcter (or the movie actor playing the role) Khan who is the enemy; it is the spirit of antichrist behind him. It is very serious.
