Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Well are You Sleeping these Days?

The Atlantic and Gulf states are in the middle of hurricane season. And the next big one is Igor—a storm as big as Texas. And right behind it is Hurricane Julia. At the same time, there have been two huge fire storms in the West—a natural forest fire in Colorado and a gas explosion fire in San Bruno, California.

When Jesus and the disciples encountered a life-threatening storm, Jesus slept
(Luke 8:23). ‘Naps’ and ‘storms’ don’t have much in common—metaphorically, the former a sign of rest; the latter suggesting the opposite. But Jesus was obviously free from anxiety, because He was sleeping, until His disciples awakened Him. Jesus’ response "where is your faith?" (8:25) reveals the key to a proper disposition during life’s storms—a faith in God that overcomes fear.

I know many people going through some Texas-sized storms right now. Maybe you are one of them. Maybe you are feeling the wind blowing so hard and shaking you so violently, you are completely disoriented. Or maybe it feels like the heat of a fire storm is about to destroy you. Jesus promises that in the midst of the storm you are being exercised in faith. God is developing in you a deeper humility, a greater sorrow for sin, a heightened hunger for his righteousness. Any experience which makes you feel your need for Jesus can't be bad. How can we resist anything that causes us to set our affections on things above”
(Col. 3:20)?

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