Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Unpeace of Irene

If I had opportunity to do so last week, I would have commented more timely on the incongruity of a hurricane named “Irene.” Derived from the Greek word for peace (as is the name “Iran”) Irene really is a timely icon for the unpeace of our times.

Every human effort fails to produce ‘world peace.’ We cannot control mankind (genocide, homicide, suicide) anymore than we can control the weather (hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, earthquakes, flooding).  Our world is characterized by job insecurity, financial uncertainty, and geopolitical instability.

In the wake of Irene's terrible unpeace, the phrase “peace, peace, when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14) has never seemed more relevant. It is in the midst of such turmoil that Jesus says, “I bring peace, not as the world gives…”  You see, the peace that Jesus offers is independent of external circumstances.  It is, in fact, even more fully appreciated and enjoyed in times of trouble. And it is, therefore, said to "pass understanding." That is, no one can comprehend that anyone can possess such peace in this world.

Paul was able to 'weather' his own afflictions by fixing his thoughts on God's reality and setting his mind on things above where Jesus is (Phil. 4:8; Col. 3:1-2); thus telling us two important things.  First, peace is not a place but a Person.  And second, peace is an altogether different reality.

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