Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You can’t really blame them for trying

Have you ever seen so much blame-shifting?  Blaming is the oldest trick in the book (Genesis 3), and Adam’s historical precedent repeats itself with each new generation, right up to the present.  Obama blames Bush, the Democrats blame the Republicans (and vice versa), Europe blames the U.S. (and vice versa), Main Street is blaming Wall Street; and now Herman Cain is blaming... well, you get the picture.

You have to admit, blaming is a rather effective diversion. Making someone else responsible for the problem takes the focus off the solution. Vilifying one’s opponents may work in the short run, but it makes any resolution even more impossible, with irreconcilable differences bringing deep separation.  Shortly, the world will be looking for a unifier (both Bush and Obama promised they would be). Of course the only One who can do that, and will do that, is Christ the Messiah. But until that happens, people will continue looking for one. I guess you can’t really blame them for trying.

On a much more personal note, if you’re honest about it, what is the first thing that pops into your mind when you have an interpersonal conflict that appears irreconcilable? Do you look at yourself first, or do you have an instant reaction, “It’s not my fault?” Through the prophet Hosea, God speaks to the blame-shifters, "Don't point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame!” (Hosea 4:4).  That's good advice for today!

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