Thursday, December 15, 2011

Have you heard of “tebowing”?

The other day I was quite moved by this picture of Denver Bronco's quarterback Tim Tebow, kneeling on the football field. (For more information on Tim, see my 11/24/post.) While Tim is normally a passer, this time he is on the receiving end of mockery and ridicule.

I recently discovered that Tim Tebow’s practice of praying publicly before every game has been captured in a new word in the Urban dictionary: “tebowing.” It means “to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.” In itself, the term “tebowing” sounds respectful. But that is not at all how it is being used. A mocking website, called, has sprung up, featuring dozens of photos of people tebowing on NY City streets, tebowing in silly costumes, tebowing at a construction site, tebowing before the Taj  Mahal etc.

You and I know of course that Tim is actually praying when he is kneeling. But "tebowing" has become a mockery of this young man's faith in God. On a higher note, however, the Urban dictionary has also added the adjective “tebow” which is used to describe a person who is honorable, respected, and/or amazing. And wouldn’t you agree that our brother Tim is very ‘tebow!’

1 comment:

  1. Great post Greg. Also, I love the new addition of photos. :-)
