Thursday, October 3, 2013


My carbon footprint is the amount of the earth’s resources I will consume in my lifetime. It’s a negative. On the other hand, what I have given ‘in time’ will leave behind my life's footprint. That’s a positive.

Every year, millions of tourists travel to our Nation’s capital to see the monuments to larger-than-life men and women whose influence lives beyond their mortality—their footprint. But is this appetite for perpetuity an evil part of human nature? Not at all. In fact, it is a divine quality turned inward. Solomon said, “God has put eternity in our hearts.” The natural man tries to satisfy this through immortality. But “immortality” —never dying— is not the same as “eternity” — always living.

None of us knows what footprint we will leave behind. But Jesus did. And though His feet may have touched the same ground we walk on, the footprint he left behind transcends time and space. He is not immortal; He is eternal. And now, as we walk with Him, each of us is a part of His footprint on the earth.


  1. Thanks, Greg, for the insight into the difference between immortality and eternal life.
    Great thought!


  2. yes, indeed. I was thinking what an offense to call Jesus immortal, as if he had a mortal beginning. God incarnate is He, the only begotten of God, from before time.

  3. Hello Greg,
    Good post. And good distinction between immortality and eternal life.
    For me, if I had to live with my own selfishness, it would be suffering. And that is the biggest gift of eternal life with God. Not that we get to live forever, but that we are fundamentally transformed from the inside out so that we are loving, peaceful and fill of mature faith that obeys.

  4. thanks Larry. And, if I had to go on living this mortality, as an immortal, I don't know what I would do. Thank God we get a new life, not more of the same stuff. Our bodies will be transformed to fit the new life in us. When we see Jesus it will all make sense; our identity will finally be no longer veiled to us...
