Monday, June 29, 2009

Thank You for Letting Me Share My Thoughts with You -- all 100 of them!

Last Friday I posted my 100th entry on this “Dying to Live” blog.

On this not-so-momentous occasion, let me share this thought with you: these reflections are intended to be THOUGHT STARTERS. For your personal edification.

Isn’t this the way Holy Spirit teaches us—taking an external idea—a general thought—and internalizing/personalizing it to fit it to our individual need? And the light He gives being much more than the ‘author’ of that thought could have ever given. Once a seed of thought has triggered your mind, resolve to cooperate with Holy Spirit as He continues to infuse light into that thought to lead you along the path of mind renewal and transformation. (And I encourage you to keep a journal of these inspired thoughts!)

Dear Dying to Live blog followers, as you read these daily thought-starters, I pray that Holy Spirit will fit each one to your individual need. Determine to “receive the word implanted which is able to save your souls”
(James 1:21).


  1. Greg,

    I have passed on your blog to friends of mines. My sister, Caroline, reads your blogs daily and says that she "loves it." I am encouraged as I read the blog today.


  2. Thank you; you don't know how much this encourages me; I receive very little feedback, but knowing even a few are encouraged by my reflections is a great blessing to me.

    However, I don't do it to receive a blessing; I do it for the joy of sharing life-changing truths, knowing it is God's work for me to do.

  3. Keep them coming! You always spark a good train of thought! I'm catching up on the blogs since I've been on vacation and I can't read too many in a row without ruining the thought I just had about the last one, but I'm trying! :)

    I appreciate your blogs Dr Greg! You are a wonderful blessing!
