Monday, November 30, 2009

The History of Self

In the Garden, their “I’s” were opened.

After that, everyone did what was right in his own “I’s”.

When the Savior came to earth, men asked him ‘what must “I” do to be saved?’

Jesus said the “I” cannot save himself because “I” is bad; then He said, if your “I” makes you stumble, you should get rid of it. What he meant was your “I” must die.

Even after they were saved men would ask: “Why am “I” still doing what “I” don’t want to do?

Paul answered this way; there is a new “I” and an old “I.” The old “I” was crucified with Christ. It is no longer that “I” who lives. Christ lives in the new “I”.

Now “I” can do all things through Christ. And now you know why Paul prayed that our “I’s” would be opened so “I” can see how much Christ loves me.

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