Monday, August 9, 2010

When will Jesus return?

The Mayan calendar ends on Sunday, December 23, 2012. Is that the end of the world? Harold Camping of Family Radio now proclaims the Lord's return will be on October 20, 2011! A friend of mine who is a biblical scholar says “Many of us who follow world affairs and try to be well-read in eschatology strongly believe the coming of Jesus Christ for His (true) Church is very likely to happen any day now.”

How do we know the time is near for Jesus to claim His Bride?

The long answer won’t fit in this venue! But here’s the short answer: When His Bride is ready
(Rev. 19:7); when she is spotless (Eph. 5:27; 1 Pet. 3:14); when she loves Him passionately and longs to be with Him (John 17:26; Sng. of Sol. 4:9). A primary role of the Holy Spirit is to prepare the Bride for Jesus' return.

What kind of bride do you think the Spirit wants to present to Jesus on that day? One who is halfhearted, lukewarm, ambivalent? My friends, we are being prepared for the marriage supper
(Rev. 19:9). But will He return to a Bride whose heart does not cry out, "Come, Lord Jesus…."? (1 Cor. 16:22; Rev. 22:17, 20)


  1. Absolutely Greg! Every time I hear a prediction like one of those, I just look at the church (myself included), and ask myself if we're spotless and without wrinkle? Men who think they are so wise that they can predict when Almighty God will do something are fools. This is the Uncreated One we are talking about. The First and the Last. Alpha and Omega. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I would not presume to know so much about the most wise, powerful, awesome being in exsitence. God is not tethered to a mathematical equation on when He is going to do something. He is a living free-willed being who will not be dictated to by man or our simple minded formulas.

  2. Yes, David, what you have said is true. But don't let the foolish talk detract your from the very personal question we should all be asking ourselves: Do I long for Jesus' return? Am I crying out "Come Lord." Are we ready?
