Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Closed on Sunday

Up to the time I was 8 years old, grocery stores were closed on Sunday, aka, the Sabbath.  If you lacked ingredients for Sunday supper, you were out of luck.  And since restaurants, theaters, and the Sears Roebuck were also closed, people stayed home and spent time with their families.

By the time I was in junior high, stores and restaurants were beginning to open on Sundays—at first, only in the afternoons (when church got out). But within a few years, they were open all day; and nowadays, no one thinks anything about shopping, going to movies or eating out on what-used-to-be-called the “Sabbath.” It has been normal for so long, no one remembers when it wasn’t. I’m sure you all think it’s harmless, right? But is it possible we’ve lost something in not keeping a day of rest?

One of the greatest problems of our age is unrest (not to be confused with tiredness).  When God rested on the seventh day, it was not because he was tired; He was enjoying His creation and Himself (Prov. 8:31).  Do we not also need a day to desist and rest, and enjoy our Creator? "If you keep from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day; if you call the Sabbath a delight, and if you honor it by not going your own way doing as you please, you will find your joy in the Lord” (Is. 58:13-14). It occurs to me the Sabbath is not a “day” of rest anymore; it is a state of rest.  Is anyone keeping Sabbath anymore?


  1. Hi Dr Greg,lot of great posts! I haven't checked in for a while. My wife and I were talking with our 9 year old son last night and he asked what the sabbath is, and after talking his summation of a typical Sunday had me rolling! Part was: "you go to church, get coffee, worship, read the Bible for hours, worship again, get more coffee, talk for hours...! Out of the mouths of babes.

  2. Great insight from pure eyes. What a delightful story. Thanks for sharing.

