Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Paranormalization of America

Halloween may be over, but not America’s obsession with the paranormal. Last month, two animated films about the paranormal were released: Hotel Transylvania about monster/human relations; and Frankenweenie, where dead animals are brought back to life. In the last decade, blockbuster films about witches, warlocks, and vampires became common fodder for our children and teenagers.

In the last half century, the increased fascination with aliens, global invasions, and genetic alterations has been startling. Without a doubt, paranormalization has reduced fear and skepticism of the weird and sensational! ‘So what?’ you say.

Some Bible scholars think the end times, “like the days of Noah,” may include the reintroduction of what-were-possibly fallen angels (Nephilim) on the earth. Whether this forebodes a demonic manifestation in end times is not clear. But if that were to happen, paranormalization could result in naive acceptance. And even if that doesn't happen, paranormalization is still a serious concern. Many Christians have been numbed to the reality and severity of spiritual warfare.


  1. Hi Dr. Greg,
    Timely post.
    It is very true that many have become numbed to the reality of spiritual warfare. And people take their cues from movies. People think that because they know something about a thing, they can control a thing. This became a discussion with some people I know who were flirting with a Ouija board. They did not realize the full nature of what they were inviting into their lives.
    In addition, by making it all animated, it is similar to putting the devil in the red suit. Making him or any evil spirits into a cartoon may make it more palatable, but does not make it any less dangerous.
    All of the interest in the paranormal quickens the temptation for the pride of life (you shall be like God), without bringing God into the discussion.
    Though we are a little lower than the angels, God is mindful of us, and we are the centerpiece of His redemptive efforts.
    Larry Q

  2. Well said! (he will appear as an angel of light: does that mean he'll look cute, like ET!?)
