Monday, December 28, 2009

Am I Repeating Myself?

Last Wednesday was the first anniversary of this “Dying to Live” blog, and if you read my devotional postings daily, you know there are certain themes I repeat (hopefully, using various analogies and metaphors). This is not coincidental but deliberate—because repetition is fundamental to learning.

Neuroscientists explain that our brain carries signals from one nerve cell to another by way of synapses, making pathways in your brain. So when you learn something new, it really is like clearing a path through a dense jungle. The first time you go through the undergrowth, it can be rough. But as you travel along the new path repeatedly, it becomes a road, and eventually a well-travelled highway. So it is with your memory: the more you repeat certain thought patterns, the more likely you will be able to recall that information—it literally ‘grooves’ into your brain.

Paul employed the use of repetition in his letters. As did Peter, who vowed: I believe I should keep on reminding you of these things as long as I live
(2 Peter 1:13).

My dear mother is getting hard of hearing and I often have to repeat myself before she hears me. But I love her and I don’t mind. And I have the same mindset toward you, my readers. As I begin a second year of this blog, I promise to keep on repeating the “Dying to Live” truths that will challenge us to enter more fully into His abundant life. Are you listening, or do I need to repeat myself?


  1. Thank You...I appreciate your perseverance in the things of God for your readers. And I'll keep listening...

    God Bless you and your loved ones with His peace and good health.


  2. thank you Kathy. A blessed New Year to you! Yes, I will keep reminding y'all of things you already know!!
