Monday, December 21, 2009

Don't Forget to Exercise During the Holidays!

How many times in your life have you regretted not exercising more restraint or self-discipline? How many ‘slip-ups’ or ‘blow-ups’ do you wish you could erase from your past? If you’re like me, probably more than you want to think about. But thankfully, every day “in Christ” is new. And today is a good day to renew your work-out routine—exercising self-control.

The word “self-control” comes from the Greek “strength,” meaning to "master one’s passions and desires.” Self-control is NOT the same as willpower. A strong will (will power) is a natural trait—some are inclined to it, while others are prone to passivity. These two natural traits result in, respectively, self-sufficiency or self-deprecation—neither of which is any help in fighting the enemy of our souls.

Since “self-control” is a fruit of the Spirit
(Gal. 5:23), it is indeed part of your new nature. Perhaps in your frustration, you have prayed for more self-control. But you will never possess any more of it than you already have! Our problem is not the “having” but the “using”—a spiritual muscle needing exercise. Not unlike muscles that are strengthened by stress (until they ‘burn’), every time you exercise self-control, you will feel the burn. But with practice, you will be stronger. And unlike an athlete who practices self-control to win a temporary reward, your prize is eternal” (1 Cor. 9:25; 1 Tim. 4:8).

Just yesterday, Altha and I drove into San Francisco for a pre-Christmas celebration, and after dinner, as I was enjoying a large calorie-fused chocolate ‘sundae’, I said: “Guess what I’m writing about in my blog tomorrow?—self-control.” We laughed, but oh, how timely! I am hereby reminding myself—and maybe you too?—of our need at the beginning of this holiday season to remember to exercise...self-control, that is.


  1. Greg,

    The Spirit just brought amazing clarity to one of the biggest questions I've had during this season. I cannot begin to expressmy gratitude for His speaking through your words to my spirit. Thank you for posting. I am very grateful.



  2. Wow, Grant! That certainly blesses me. Thank you for your encouragement to me as I watch God at work in your heart, and your teachableness to Him.

    Have a blessed Christmas.

