Thursday, October 13, 2011

Should Evangelical Christians Vote for a Mormon?

Is Mormonism a cult or is it just idiosyncratic Christianity? The easiest way to recognize a cult is by its interpretation of the Bible and view of Jesus deity. Mormonism claims that Christianity was incomplete without The Book of Mormon, the Latter Day Saint (LDS) Scripture. With its own teachings and traditions, LDS rejects Christian orthodoxy.  And LDS teaches that Jesus was the brother of Satan.  Knowing this, can a faithful Christian vote for a Mormon candidate?

Well, Martin Luther might have voted for a Mormon! Quoted as saying that he would rather be ruled by a competent Turk (Muslim) than an incompetent Christian, his advice may well serve us in 2012. And we would have to admit that there are non-Christian candidates who share far more of our worldview and policy concerns than some others who identify themselves as Christians.

I still remember the opposition faced by John Kennedy in 1960 from evangelical Christians because he was a Roman Catholic. With increasing diversity in America, Evangelicals are facing unprecedented challenges (what about voting for an atheist?). So in answering today’s question, Evangelicals must think carefully and prayerfully. And it is probably best to do so before you arrive at the voting polls. “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you” (James 1:5 NLT).

1 comment:

  1. I agree, and would prefer to vote for the most competent person. If they hold my religious belief, great! But right now, in my view, the Mormons and the Christians who are running seem to not be the best choices. Just my 2 cents... :)
