Monday, October 17, 2011

We Have Connections!

Without any fanfare, our cell phones had a birthday last week: the 25th anniversary of the first commercial cell phone call. Of course, since then, our cell phones have grown up.  And they’ve gotten smarter.

In the last decade, our Smart Phones have brought us from connectivity to hyper-connectivity.  And 24/7 instant connection has turned some of us into addicts. You can tell if someone is a connectivity addict by how often he checks his phone for messages!  (The average user sends 42 'texts' a day!)  So, what’s next?

Well, if I could predict that, I’d be a rich man. But I will offer you a rich spiritual analogy: we have 24-7 connectivity with God—hyper-connectivity. (And by the way, there are no “bad” connections to the Throne of Grace!) But like people who underuse their smart phones, some Christians don’t fully appreciate their 24/7 access to God. In the Old Covenant, people couldn’t imagine the privilege of connectivity we have. As New Covenant people, we have a hyper-connectivity smart phone users only dream of!

A. W. Tozer said “every believer can be filled with the Holy Spirit as much as he wants.” Even so, every believer is as connected to God a he wants to be!

1 comment:

  1. I was just thnking yesterday something on the same line you share. In general we have lost the sense of awe, of total amazement and gratitude we should have for being able to have a personal intimate relationship with God, something that unless Jesus had died on the cross for us, we couldn't have.
    How routine, and I would even dare to say profane for many people, has become the relationship with God. We take Him for granted, and we bring Him to an everyday and common level. I remember the first time someone told me I could relate personally to God, I could talk to Him directly, I thought to myself: That's what I've always wanted, I was so happy! But now I was asking myself if I still keep that first sense of happiness and joy of knowing that I can daily enjoy a relationship with God Almighty.
    I want to stir myself up and thank Him, every morning for having the great privilege of communicating with Him, and telling Him that I am thrilled by it. I want, every day, to have that sense of expectation : what new thing are you going to reveal to me, Lord, about Yourself? How are you going to surprise me today? Really it is so simple to enrich and make our relationship with God so full of life and excitement by just having the continual attitude of a child who is always enthusiastic and expectant of new and exciting things.
    And the more we communicate with Him at this level, the more we will be like Him.
