Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The “First Time”

After Gingrich won the election in South Carolina, the media reported this is the “first time” since the modern primary system began that there have been 3 different winners in each of the first 3 contests.  Following a year of unprecedented events (weather and politics), "first times" are becoming normal.

“First times” have different connotations, i.e., the “first kiss,” the “first job,” the “first day of school.”  Each evokes its own “first” feelings. Most “first times” produce anxiety, a fear of the unfamiliar, i.e.,the “first time” you gave a public speech, or your "first time" driving on the freeway, or the “first time” you sky-dived. Generally we don’t like those feelings, and are quite glad to have them behind us.  The second time is so much easier!

It occurs to me that life is full of “first times” when you are young, and when you are older they are fewer, either by circumstance or choice. What I mean is as people get older they reduce the number of unfamiliar things—they cling to the familiar. But if we are “new” in Christ and things are continually being made “new” and we are walking in the “newness” of life, then it seems to me the “first times” never end—with one exception. The “first time” you die will be your “last.” And then there will be an eternity of “first times” (but without any fear!). "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev. 21:5).


  1. Thanks Greg for your daily devotions - love 'em all the way to Germany :-) Bless ya, - D. Michael

  2. Thank you for the feedback. greg
