Friday, January 8, 2010

God is Not Finished Yet, but Final Preparations are Underway!

Yesterday I was unable to do a blog post. My father had a medical emergency, and I needed to spend the night and next day at his house in Scott's Valley (with no Internet access). It was NOT just one of those ‘lane changes’ (“Changing Lanes” blog post, Dec. 8, 2009) but more of a u-turn.

My dear 85-year old father has cancer—he is approaching the end of his life. As of yesterday, he is no longer able to walk or stand—in his remaining days, he will be confined to bed. This incapacity is not only the last, but doubtless the hardest trial of his faith. It is frightening to lose control of one’s life. But, in the end, isn’t that what “dying to live” is all about—giving up control of all things to God?!

But my father’s end-of-life trial feels to me like a microcosm of something greater—something that is affecting all of us. We are living in a time of chaos the world has never seen. It is a fearful time for many people—yes, even believers. But in the midst of it, God is saying to you: “How will you deal with your fears? Are you going to trust Me in spite of everything that is happening around you?”

Not unlike the days of Noah, it seems the world is on a path of destruction. But now as then, God is preparing a place for those who trust in Him. Jesus said: “There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). But as I said to my dad, not only is God preparing a place FOR US, God is PREPARING US for that place. And since we are still here, apparently all things are not ready for our departure and arrival. Our Father God is not finished yet, but I can assure you (as I have assured my dad) that final preparations are underway.


  1. I can't say that I am fully there by any stretch, but the idea of "the end" or death is becoming less and less significant a fear to me. I don't look forward to either, or expect them soon, but the reality of going to my creator, being fully safe and fully secure, re-assures me. I would love to be here to see the sky roll back as a scroll (and I say that now, ignorant of the actual conditions of being here till that moment), but in any case my heart rings more and more, "Come Lord Jesus Come!"

  2. Thanks David. There is a hard-to-grasp truth that if we could just get it, life and death no longer matter. The truth is this: We are already dead to this world and already seated at the right hand of God with Jesus... and in case you're wondering, NO, I haven't quite got it yet!! Still 'working' on it :)
