Friday, April 30, 2010

Do You Have the Love of God in Your Heart?

While reading through John’s gospel yesterday, I was struck with Jesus’ words to the Pharisees: “I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts” (John 5:42). At that point, I stopped and asked the Lord “Do I have your love in my heart?” Then I thought, 'Lord, what does it mean to have your love in my heart?' Later in the morning, this ‘e-votional’ arrived in my inbox. I hope it will provoke the same thoughtful reflection in you as it did me!

“Love means to commit yourself without guarantee, to give yourself completely in the hope that your love will produce love in the other person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. Perfect love would be one that gives all and expects nothing. It would, of course, be willing and delighted to take anything that was offered, asking nothing in return. The person who expects nothing and asks nothing can never be deceived or disappointed. God’s love is unique in that it causes us to seek to meet the needs of the other rather than demanding that our own be met. Our irritability and frustration diminish when we love another person because we are seeking to fulfill rather than be fulfilled. This is what God’s love is all about.” (Norman Wright)


  1. Amen amen and amen!!! I'm going to write this one down!

    I notice in myself, the times I am the most irritable are the times I am being selfish, self centered, self concerned. All that ugly self life you talk about. True love denies self for the sake of the object of that love!

    Once again, a great reminder to help keep me on track! Thank you Dr. Greg!

    -David S.

  2. Thank you always for the encouragement. I guess the doctor gave the exact medicine you needed for the 'cure.'
