In high school everyone wanted to be in the ‘in’ crowd, wear ‘in’ clothes, and be seen at the ‘in’ places. Though I did have one friend who was ‘in’, I was definitely ‘out’—condemned by those on the ‘inside.’ In hindsight, I realize this was why I eventually became a ‘drop-out’ in the 60’s. (Of course at the time, we didn’t realize we were just creating a new ‘in’ group).
Why was it so important to be IN? Because to be ‘out’ was to be rejected. To anyone who has ever felt rejected, the words of Paul are music to our ears: “There is therefore now no condemnation [rejection] for those who are IN Christ Jesus” (Ro. 8:1). Christ makes those who are IN Him acceptable to our Father. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has ... made us accepted IN the Beloved” (Eph 1:6).
If this is true, why do so many believers still care so much about ‘fitting in?’ Paul warned the believers not to be conformed (trying to be IN) to this world (Ro. 12:2). But many are trying to be in because they are controlled by the old feeling of rejection. Ask the Lord to examine your heart and reveal your conforming behaviors: things that show you do not yet fully believe you are accepted IN Christ.
Thank You Greg,
thank you!!