Monday, June 7, 2010

Want to Make Someone Happy? Have a Conversation

People want real conversation—not small talk. So says a feature article in Sunday’s USA Weekend magazine: “what’s important to a happy life are meaningful conversations.” A survey done for the Psychological Science journal concluded that people who have deep, meaningful interactions are happier than those who engage only in small talk.

When Altha and I traveled on the public buses in Belize we learned a lot by talking to fellow travelers. We also gained knowledge by talking with servers and owners of restaurants. Always willing to tell their stories, it makes people happy when someone cares enough to ask, also giving you a chance to tell yours: an open door for sharing your faith in Christ.

I’ve just read a book called “The New Christians.” Author Tony Jones says the “emerging” millennial generation loves conversation. “Virtually obsessed with dialogue, they talk to Christians of other stripes, to dead Christians (via books), to non-Christians, and to one another. They talk on the phone, attend conferences, frequent coffee shops, and read and comment on blogs.” Though this information is not exactly earth shattering, I'm taking it as a reminder to look for God’s opportunities to engage others in meaningful conversations. Besides, it will make them happy.


  1. I totally agree! I have been on this journey just this year. It's great for marriage too, as you have taught Henry and I, Greg.

  2. It is a journey, isn't it! One which puts us into direct contact with our fellow travelers! Keep it up!
