Friday, October 15, 2010

Is There Enough Evidence to Convict You?

As I read the “Open Doors” e-newsletters I receive each month (about persecuted believers) I am painfully reminded that all over the world my brothers and sisters in Christ are put on trial for being a Christian—some imprisoned, others executed. That’s something none of us wants to think about. I can tell you, quite frankly, I do not look forward to receiving these Open Doors updates. It's painful, but I know I must not forget those who are suffering for Jesus: in ways I can't (don't even want to) imagine.

But what if we were in such a circumstance? What if you were taken before the Court to determine if you are ‘one of them.’ Other than your own testimony, would the judge examine your life—your conduct, your affiliations, your lifestyle— and say, “there isn’t enough evidence to convict you”?

Has anyone in your workplace or neighborhood acted surprised when they found out you were a Christian? There should be evidence/proof— that Christ is living in us. Jesus called it "fruit" (John 15)—confirmation that you are indeed a Spirit-filled Christian. “By this My Father is glorified: that you produce much fruit and prove to be My disciples” (John 15:8).

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    Thanks for the reminders to 1) pray for our persecuted brethren, and 2) recognize that we need to BE convictable as one of Christ's disciples.

    For a long time--and on occasional seasons of fleshly living--the only thing I could be convicted of was attending Christian gatherings.
    But you continuously remind us in your blog that what really defines us more than our attendance is how attendant we are to the voice of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

    The truth and accuracy of our standing as Christians is most often found when no one else is watching us. Our private moments--out of the view of our adoring public--is the litmus test for the Judge of all the Earth to convict us as belonging to His Son. What we are in private will always be obvious in the public arena; we can, however, be deceptive by doing the outward signs without the inward truth.

    As the Book of Haggai so ably points out, corruption is contagious, while righteousness is a continual process that takes effort and cooperation with God!

    Once again, thank you, Greg, for your timely words of exhortation!

