Friday, June 3, 2011

Let's Make it Personal

We hired some painters last month to do our living room and kitchen. One of them was Luis. I discerned that he was sensitive in spirit. I asked him if he was a Christian and he said “I am Catholic.” To which I responded “it doesn’t matter if you are a Catholic; what matters is that you love Jesus.” To which he responded, ‘yes, I do.’ To make a long story short, on the last day he was at our house, I explained to him that being born again meant having a personal relationship with Jesus. Luis is now a born-again Christian. Luis knew about Jesus. But Luis did not know that Jesus was personal.

Have you noticed that in all the talk about faith today (from Oprah to Glenn Beck or Presidents Bush and Obama) the discussions are always in the abstract—never about the Person of Jesus? For example, as I mentioned last week, an article in USA Today about the future of faith in America did not once mention the name of Jesus. Don’t let people suck you into the abstract discussions. Talk about Jesus! When the Pharisees tried to talk about religion and morality in the abstract, Jesus made it personal by asking “who do you say I am?” (Mark 8:29)

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