Thursday, June 16, 2011

Take Time to be Holy?

Jesus addressed God as Holy Father (Matt. 6:9; John 17:11). John Calvin said, “That God's name should be hallowed is to say that God should have His own honor of which He is so worthy, so that men should never think or speak of Him without the greatest veneration.” A. W. Tozer said, “No religion has been greater than its idea of God.”

Warren Wiersbe tells the following experience as an example of people's poor understanding of God’s holiness.

'We will stand and sing hymn 325,’ announced the worship leader, ‘Take Time to Be Holy. We will sing verses one and four.’ If I had been sitting with the congregation instead of on the platform, I might have laughed out loud. Imagine a Christian congregation singing “Take Time to Be Holy” and not even taking time to sing the entire song! If we can’t take the time (less than four minutes) to sing a song about holiness, we’re not likely to take time to devote ourselves to “perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Cor. 7:1).

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