Monday, August 1, 2011

Look What's been Thrown under the Bus

Syncretism, the idea that all religions can be fused into one, is being replaced by Pluralism, a more pragmatic approach because it acknowledges differences but sees them as irrelevant. Pluralism is the ‘equal rights’ of religion. Pluralism promotes tolerance, without which no one in the 21st century will survive.

Pluralism puts Jesus on an equal footing with Buddha, Confucius, and Muhammad. But pluralism requires that we make Christianity more tolerant. Thus, any Scripture that insists on its own primacy must be revised, redacted, reinterpreted or just ignored. Sadly, though, in watering down the Bible, we lose our moral authority to speak out against the new cultural norms of our 21st century—leaving a moral vacuum. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, so eloquently wrote in his blog, “This is what happens when the Bible is thrown under the bus.”

Some are wondering how we should contend for the authority of the Scriptures without appearing intolerant. Why are we even trying to? It’s time to reclaim the authority and supremacy of the Bible and throw pluralism under the bus!

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