Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Things

I am pleased to tell you that today I will begin a new job. When I retired from my job with the federal government more than three years ago, I could not have imagined this day when I would be teaching at a Bible college. But even at the ripe old age of 63, I am still doing new things. Sometimes I grow tired and wonder why I just don’t stop and rest. But then I am reminded that God is always leading us into new experiences where we can grow—"He makes all things new."  Now that’s a loaded phrase. But I think it means, at least on one level, that God is always growing us and leading us into what-Paul-calls the “newness of life” (Romans 6:4). Right up to our last day on this earth, God will still be leading us into new things.

If we are serious about walking with God, then we must be prepared for Him to guide us into new ways. God will not allow us to be stopped by last week’s failures; nor will He allow us to rest in yesterday’s successes. His path is always into new things. And He will not stop working into us the “newness of life” until all of our “old ways” have really passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17). I know what "new thing" God is doing in my life today.  Are you aware of the “new thing” He is doing in yours?


  1. Congrats on your new job Greg! You will continue to be a wonderful teacher!
