Wednesday, September 26, 2012

America's Decay: Take It Personally

There was an article in Sunday's paper about America's advanced state of decay—roads crumbling, bridges collapsing, power grids failing, sewage plants leaking, dams cracking, airports clogging. And while these are only infrastructure, an argument can be made that America is decaying in other ways—economically, politically, educationally, culturally, nutritionally, morally and spiritually. Is America out of control?

Centuries ago, Solomon said, “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.”  Is it also possible that Solomon's use of the metaphor was meant to imply a connection between the lack of personal self-control and civil decay?

Paul said society would deteriorate in the last days. And right in the middle of a laundry list of self-destructive characteristics, he says people will be “without self control” (2 Tim. 3:1-7). I don’t pretend to be an expert on prophetic events, but some scholars believe that America is not mentioned in Bible Prophecy because she will have lost her influence as result of moral and spiritual decay. But this I do know: we are all exhorted to discern the times in which we live (Matt. 16:3; Daniel 11:33). And the change in American culture and society in the past 50 years is something we dare not ignore.

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