Monday, June 3, 2013

Is Rob Bell part of the Great Apostasy?

Emerging Church leader Rob Bell has authored another controversial book, “What We Talk about When We Talk about God.” The gist of his new book?  Old doctrines (aka, Scriptures) are getting in the way of truly experiencing God.  Bell argues that the traditional view of God is like a 4-door Delta 88 Oldsmobile.  It may have been an awesome, cutting edge car in the day, but now seems hopelessly stuck in the past.  In all fairness to him, Rob Bell says he wants to awaken a new generation of believers to experience God.

Some will ask what’s wrong with encouraging people to experience God. Consider this: 'experiences' with God by Mary Baker Eddy and Joseph Smith gave birth to Christian Science and Mormonism. If you believe 'experience is the best teacher,' think again.

Before Christ returns, there will be a great apostasy (2 Thess. 2:3). People won't appear to be rejecting Christ; in fact, they will call themselves Christians, and have great experiences “in His name” (Matt. 7:23). But they will reject sound doctrine in favor of feel-good teachings (2 Tim 4:3). 


  1. Good morning Dr. Greg,
    Timely post! Thanks for the being current and being relevant and still remaining true to the things that remain! This is a skill that Rob Bell has yet to master.
    In wanting his ministry (he is no longer at his mega-church) to be palpable to non-believers, he is watering down the truth by saying things that people want to hear. He is saying things that tickle peoples ears. Those things that he is saying include, "everyone will eventually be saved," and "homosexuality needs to be accepted." And people want to hear that God is "nice" and "safe." The truth is that God is good and holy. Neither of those are safe or nice.
    Though his intention of making the church relevant and current is commendable, he is doing so at the danger of the property that makes the church the most relevant it can be. Namely, to be the "called out ones" (root meaning of the NT Greek word for church). It is the church's outside perspective that gives it the power to speak truth to error. Otherwise, if one interprets the bible in light of culture and personal feelings, then the person who feels that "the doorknob is god," has the same credibility as the one that holds to more orthodox views. And the problem with the personal interpretation as to who and what God is and does, is that ultimately, it is not our ideas that redeem us with regards to our eternal salvation; it is the unchangeable God. Whatever I may want to believe about gravity does not change the fact that when I fall down, the floor hurts.
    The danger of Rob Bell's position is that non-believers give him credibility as to what scripture means, and rather than read it for themselves, they trust Rob Bell. And because Rob Bell is saying things that others want to hear, he has greater influence.
    If there were a credible warning of an imminent danger, say a wildfire, and a wildfire and weather expert told a news reporter that there was no danger and that the people could stay in their houses, and those people were consumed in the fire with incredible suffering, the expert would be judged for his part in those deaths.
    Though Rob Bell may be covered by the blood of Jesus, the blood and suffering of those misled by him will be on his hands.
    Larry Q

  2. Good, powerful word, Larry. There is a scripture in Psalms where God says "You thought I was like a man." Indeed, Rob Bell is creating a man-shaped God, making Him in our image!

  3. I am deeply grieved by the veil that strongly blinds the eyes of many these days...not saying that I am all, I am in process of learning His truth daily. My view is that the form of sound doctrine that the apostle Paul writes about is greatly missing from many places of worship. There is no argument that will convince these folks that they are missing out on God's truth...they have "felt" Him and know that grace is all we need to know. According to them, they have no need to keep the commandments that Christ said we would keep if we love Him. I remember when I was a child--all my mother's children knew that she did not like snakes. We watched out for them for her and warned her if they were around...because we loved her. It was not burdensome or heavy for us to do this for her...because we loved her. A small example in my mind of how I can love the Lord...I learn what pleases Him by reading His Word and I do those things or don't do those things that do not please Him because I love Him. I do not do them to GET SAVED...Christ's Blood accomplished that once and for all. My faith is now shown by my good works by the power of His Spirit in me. My prayer is that the Spirit of God would control me so much that I would have the right words for the right people at the right time to influence them toward His truth. I pray that those that know Him in Spirit and in Truth would come together in unity and stand strong as He leads. I am encouraged by scripture as it seems the apostasy is coming in like a flood...the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard! Though believers are getting hypnotized by psychology and new age philosophies and moving the old landmarks--I know that God has a plan for those who diligently seek His face. The boundaries that are meant to protect us and keep us separate from the ways of the world, the flesh, and the devil are being attacked as "religious" or "outdated" and you can rarely see a difference between believers and non-believers. I don't believe God wants us to be so strange or unusably different--but I do believe we should have a glow of holiness about us that makes us stand out because we have deep values that make us different. It hurts to see those I love being pulled into deception...I simply must trust the Lord with ALL my heart and remember not to lean, even slightly, on my own understanding of what I think I see. I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus...and lift up His Name. We have been told what the last days would look as these days get seemingly darker--I lift up my eyes and watch for the Light of His return! He is coming quickly--may we be found blameless and above reproach when He appears! I am praying that the season of sin would be short for those souls that are dabbling and that the Lord's Spirit would open their eyes to see the great gift we received at Calvary. The Father seeks a Family of maturing children that will reproduce. The Son seeks a Body and a Bride that will follow. The Spirit seeks a Temple in which the Lord may dwell in holiness. It is the cry of my heart that I be not deceived--but know the Voice of the True and Living God! It is so good to see your posts, Greg! We love you and continue to lift you up in prayer! RR

  4. Greg,

    The need for "experiencing" or "encountering" God--apart from a willingness to adjust our own attitudes, vision, or activities--can be illustrated by a toddler's approach to walking over uneven terrain. If the toddler is allowed to merely hold on to the finger of an adult and then ends up losing their balance then they will release the adult's finger to brace their fall. They can still retain their independence but they will find that gravity is a law that they cannot avoid. Had they allowed the adult to hold onto their hand as they were navigating the unevenness of footing and still lost their balance they would have been kept safe from impacting the ground because the adult would have prevented their fall.

    "Experiencing God" is oftentimes an excuse not to submit to His holding our hand. We have just enough connection to Him to make us feel secure, but when the unevenness of life trips us up we disconnect from His hand...and then blame Him for letting us get hurt in the fall. We need rather to let Him hold us, and release our "need" for independence, submitting from our heart to His direction and letting Him hold us up. Then we will experience Him.

    "Now unto Him that is able to keep (us) from falling..." (Jude 24)


  5. ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.. (Ephesians 4:32)

  6. Let love be our religion... No condemning or converting. For it is religion and it's writings that get in the way of faith and relationship to God. More on the the bible:

  7. "You may say, 'God doesn't hate anybody. God is love.' No, my friend. You need to understand something. Jesus Christ taught, the prophets taught, the apostles taught this: that apart from the grace of God revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord the only thing left for you is the wrath, the fierce anger of God because of your rebellion and your sin." -Paul Washer

  8. Rob Bell is a wolf (Acts 20) who preaches to itching ears (2 Tim.) He has "risen from among us," just as Paul predicted,and will lead many astray.
