Friday, April 3, 2009

What Kind of Thought House do you Live in?

If you are like me (and I think you are!) when life’s “earthly” circumstances come at you, you can easily get very ‘earthbound.’ By earthly circumstances, I am referring to the day-to-day business as well as certain episodic trials, like the serious illness of a loved one, or a financial loss, etc. During these times, we are tempted to let our minds go to these natural events; we have a difficult time doing what Paul says to “set our minds on things above.” Or, as I would say instead of thinking “divine” thoughts, I am thinking earthy thoughts!

Thinking is arguably the most important human trait. With our thoughts and all the faculties of our mind (imagining, learning, meditating, planning, scheming, brainstorming) we can invent things and change the world.

But more to the point of this teaching, our thoughts create the inner world in which we live—our thoughts are the “house” we live in! What kind of “inner world” are you creating with your thoughts? What kind of “thought house” are you living in? Paul says, “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right… pure … lovely… let your minds dwell on [think] these things.” The Bible affirms that what you think about and what you tell yourself is crucial to your faith (Romans 12:2). And the wisest man who ever lived said, “ [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:6.

Who do you think you are? Do you need to do some "thought house cleaning?"

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    One of the Christian life's mysteries is the role of suffering and hardship. While we are in no place encouraged to actively invite them into our "thought-house" as you referred to it, they come as residents from time to time. Anguish of mind and heart, especially as we witness the pain and suffering of those we love, is one of those uninvited yet required visits. These "visits" help to keep our spiritual compass pointing to our True North--heaven--as the place of our citizenship, our final destination. And as gruesome and distasteful as suffering and pain are they do serve God in His unfathomable purposes. If it weren't for the comforting ministry of the Holy Spirit these times would truly be unbearable.

    It would be nice to have just one defining event that prepares us for our heavenly putting all our "eggs into one basket"...something that we could be sure would not have to be repeated...that would suffice once and for all! But that would literally kill us all so in God's mercy He must have to give these experiences to us in segments; many appear to be unrelated but they all are, really.

    The apostle Paul stated it thusly: Acts 14:21-22

    And when they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, 22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." NKJV

    Notice he said, "must!" The entrance to the Kingdom of God must be like a funnel somehow--narrow at the beginning but wide at the end.
    Our many thoughts will try to crowd themselves into the opening of the Kingdom; but only the truth allows us entrance. All else has to stay behind because it no longer can accompany us. Suffering and pain and tribulation and trials make sure to filter out the untrue and we can enter into the Kingdom only with eternal truth.

    My thought-house is in need of some paring down. And God is faithful to accomodate my needs!

