Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Aliens in the Attic"

I enjoy a good sci-fi movie. And sometimes a not-so-good one like “Aliens in the Attic” that was in theaters three weeks ago. No surprise it’s already gone! But still, a great title for a Blog post! When Peter used the word “alien” to describe Christians (1 Peter 2:11), could he have known that 2,000 years later “aliens” would also refer to extraterrestrial beings?

The word “aliens” is fitting—after all, we are extraterrestrial: not of this world, as Jesus said speaking of Himself and us
(John 17:14). The word “again” in the phrase “born again,” is an adverb of “time” OR “place.” As such, it can be translated “from above”—born “from above.” Later, Paul said “set your minds on things above (Col. 3:2), being mindful of, and loyal to, our “home planet.”

In the aforementioned movie, the aliens lived in the attic. (Just as we, who are aliens in this world, should occupy the space “above.”) But guess what? The aliens went downstairs. (The pull of downstairs is strong, isn't it?!) Now I am not being true to the plot of the movie, but imagine this: at first, the aliens tell themselves it’s OK to go downstairs to look around—after all, they must be familiar with the culture. Well-intentioned as it may be, it’s not long before the aliens are spending more time downstairs than upstairs! Eventually, they become acclimated to life on earth, developing deep friendships and attachments. (Of course, by now you know I’m really talking about us.)

Now I know that every analogy has its limits. But in context of this illustration, reflect on Peter’s words: “Dear brothers and sisters, you are ALIENS here. So I warn you to keep away from evil desires because they fight against your very souls.”

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