Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What will be Hurricane Sandy’s Affect?

Have you noticed that the media are no longer referring to Hurricane Sandy as “Frankenstorm?” That would trivialize a storm that portends to be the worst to hit the Mid-Atlantic in 200 years—and there is nothing cute or funny about Sandy!

Sandy’s winds, in excess of 80 mph, are expected to cause power outages for millions of Americans. Government offices in the Nation’s capitol are closed, as are schools. Wall Street is closed, along with NYC and New Jersey public transportation, including the cancelation of more than 9,000 flights. Adding bad to worse, a cold front moving in from the West is threatening to drop up to 2 feet of snow. The economic losses are expected to be $20 billion. Occurring just days before the presidential elections, no one is even trying to guess what affect it will have on voting turnout.  

As I read this morning’s news articles about Sandy’s affects on all of the above, it occurred to me that no one is speaking of the spiritual affect. Will it cause people to pray? Will it cause people to reevaluate what is important in life? Could Sandy be a reminder that our fate is not determined by the outcome of a national election, but by our omniscient and omnipotent God?


  1. Greg,
    I was anxious to read your post today and suspected it would address Sandy. As I listen to the newscasters say that the forecasts were accurate, but they couldn't imagine what it would look like until they saw the pictures of the aftermath I think about another "forecast" to come our way. Jesus IS going to return for His people like a thief in the night. Some will be ready as they heed the word to prepare, some will think they don't need to heed the word--because they have never seen anything like it before! Let us on the west coast not get puffed up and think we are out of danger here. There was an earthquake the other day in British Columbia that didn't get much press, but caused tsunami warnings for the surrounding areas of the Pacific Rim. God is still very much in control...and only He knows the day and the hour that His Son will return. Will He find faith on the earth? "If My people, who are called by My Name...will humble themselves...and pray..." This is my heart today. Blessings! roxane

  2. Yes, Roxane, I knew I just had to comment on Sandy today. Whatever outcome is yet to be, what a shame it would be if people are not awakened to cosmic events, and end-time preparations of the heart. It has been my observation since the recession hit hard in 2009 that very few pastors are speaking about the 'final preparations' that these events foretell... God bless you today.


  3. Good morning Dr. Greg,
    Normally, I do not ascribe large natural disasters to the judgment of God. But just as there was an overwhelming silence from the Northridge earthquake (home to a large porn industry that the communities silently support because of the money), there are few conversations about "getting ready," and as we in California are apt to say, "What if this had been the big one?"
    As my friend says, "heart attacks keep the soul honest." A crisis can cause personal reflection and people can determine what is really important to them. And pity us if we do not take advantage of those reflection times to discern what is best that we may be pure and blameless.
    Godspeed! Larry Q

  4. A I agree that these "acts of God" as they are called and no where near The Act of God that will occur when He brings judgment. But doesn't God use them (as He allows them) to get our attention! People get lulled into thinking everything is OK.

  5. Hi Dr. Greg,
    As I see the ravages of the storm, I think people may be wondering, "Where is God, and why would He do this?"
    I am reminded of the disciples in the boat, being obedient to Jesus' directions and being hit by a storm. Jesus, lord of nature, as was later discovered by the disciples later in this story, knew the storm was coming, yet sent His disciples out into it. And where was Jesus but on the mountain, praying. Though the disciples may have had a different perspective about what was important in the midst of a storm that was threatening their lives, Jesus remain focused on His priorities. These priorities eventually led Jesus back to the boat and a demonstration of His power and His concern. It was a perspective that they could not have learned from the shore. As severe as the lesson was for the disciples, they came away with a fresh understanding of Jesus and His mission.
    In the midst of the deepest storms in my life, Jesus meets me in ways that I cannot experience in any other way but in and through those storms.
    Though it is significantly challenging at times, I am grateful that God' purpose in me is to conform me to the image of His son.
    Thanks for sharing Dr. Greg!
    Larry Q
