Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Was Jesus a Non-Conformist?

I spent most of my young adult years as an alleged non-conformist. Ironically, I was just conforming to counter culture. None of us is immune to the influence of our society's customs and beliefs. In every age, a great threat to the people of God was conformity to the age they lived in!

In Paul’s well-known “Be not conformed to this world,” the word “conform” is the same word for “fashion”
(Ro. 12:2). As everyone knows, fashions are fickle. If defined by “fashion,” people end up with nothing but insecurity, vanity, and a closet full of out-of-date clothes! But Paul was not talking of apparel. He was warning against fashioning one’s mind (values, beliefs, ethics) after the world’s ways of thinking, which are just as fleeting as yesterday’s garments. Is this not, in part, what John meant by “the things of this world are passing away (1 John 2:16)?

A few years ago, I asked the Lord to show me how I was being affected, albeit unknowingly, by my culture—American movies, television, music, ideals, values, and morals. If you and I are not vigilant to watch how the world’s values and fashions are affecting us, we may reach the end of our journey on earth and realize we had been conformed to this world. We must watch and pray!

Jesus was not affected by the mores, traditions, or fashions of His day. Not because he was a non-conformist—but because He was not of this world.


  1. Greg,

    Fashion falls into the category of the transitory because by nature it is designed to change. The creative expressions of the few dictate the prevailing taste for what is acceptable and pleasing...but only for a season.

    There are, however, appropriate apparrel that never seems to go out of style. It is always considered "tasteful" and is very simple and uncluttered. It is usually what people resort to as one season draws to a close and before another one begins. It is considered "basic" or "classic."

    God's "style" of doing things is always foundational to the needs of His people. Though there may be room for creative expression on the part of His people the "faith once for all delivered unto the saints" is always appropriate, simple and leaves a good impression lingering in its wake. Being "conformed" to the Image of God's Dear Son never loses its relevance. When we "put on the Lord Jesus Christ" as our covering we look good because of His righteousness...but we still look good because His apparel brings Good News to everyone who looks our way!

    Now that's style!


  2. I don't believe that Jesus or a follower of Jesus should concern themselves with a limited time, Season or Style. The expression of the world is many people not the few. They live in a world of fear, a fear for not being accepted so they conform, follow, agree when if they truly acknowledged their pathway, many would realize that that way of life is flawed and riddled with failure. God's standards are designed for man to live a long and abundant life, not in the moment as is the worldly way, which I guess, could be considered a "style" a fashion or Fad. It is a creation of common sense a satisfying journey with God at the helm. It is only nonconforming to those who consider themselves their own God.
