Tuesday, September 21, 2010

No Small Thing

I received an email yesterday from a pastor of a small church—he has had many challenges to keep going in the ministry. I have a burden for such pastors. Did you know that the average size church in America is 75 people, including children? And most are led by a solitary minister who must also hold a full-time secular job in order to earn a living. I know it must be challenging for these pastors not to compare themselves to larger congregations, not to see themselves as small and insignificant.

Haggai tells how, when the Hebrews were rebuilding the temple, they were discouraged because it was nothing compared to the glorious one built by Solomon (Hag. 2:3). But God encourages them that no work is small when He is in it: “For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice…” (Zech. 4:10 RSV).

Every seemingly small thing we do for God’s kingdom, when it is done “not by might nor by power, but by [His] Spirit” (Zech. 4:6) is great in God’s eyes. Little notes written to encourage someone who is going through a difficult time; spending time beside a hospital bed of a loved one; or long hours taking care of little ones too young to appreciate it are the ‘small things’ (often invisible to others) that are great in God’s eyes. “God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them” (Mat. 5:5 NLT).


  1. I agree! I see myself as a person who enjoys the "small things." I can sense God's blessing over the unseen things. As a reminder I'll keep Pastors of small congregations in prayer for encouragement.

    As a member of a larger congregation I must say, "the grass is not greener on the other side."

  2. You are so right about that! And pray for the pastors of Belize!

  3. It is true that most churches are small and we do sometimes compare ourselves to the bigger congregations. However, small churches have so much to offer. They are often more personal (everyone knows everyone) which allows for specific needs of all members to be met. I hope your pastor friend hangs in there because God is doing a great work in our small churches. God bless!
    Terry Reed
    Small Church Tools

  4. Thanks Terry. I couldn't agree more. Too many people get lost in big churches where there is not accountability. Jesus said pastors are to "feed/tend" the sheep. How many sheep can one pastor feed and tend to? Maybe 12?
