Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leave It at the Cross

Through many years of counseling, I know that wounded people often wear their wound like a name tag, i.e., “this is who I am.” They are paralyzed by this “I-am-wounded” identity. Mark tells a story about a paralyzed man’s friends who brought him to Jesus. Unable to get in the front door, they removed the roof and dropped him down.  Jesus’ initial response was: “My son, your sins are forgiven” (2:5). But he was still paralyzed. Then to demonstrate that He had authority to forgive sins, Jesus healed the paralytic, saying “rise up, take up your bed and go home” (2:11).

In this story, the man’s “bed” represents his wound—and the 'place' of spiritual paralysis. But it was not Jesus’ intention for him be a forgiven but remain wounded. How can a spiritually crippled person express the fullness of Jesus? After Jesus saves you, he wants you to “pick up your bed” of failure [overcome it] and walk in the newness of life (Romans 6:4).

Easter will be here in less than two weeks. Let us remember that while you and I were wounded BY our transgressions, Jesus was wounded FOR our transgressions. In other words, Jesus took our “wound” on Himself. Then He took our wound into the grave, and left it there. And when He was were raised up, we too were raised. And now He says, “My son, you are forgiven; now rise up; take up your bed [don't be paralyzed anymore] and walk.”

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