Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lawlessness in the Last Days

When the U.S. decided to help the citizens of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya overthrow their governments, I wondered how much thought was given to who would replace them. The ‘insurgents’ had no identifiable leaders; and the only thing uniting them was their shared hatred of totalitarianism. Now in Egypt, as internal fighting and power struggles begin, anarchy doesn't seem far off.

"Anarchy" (the state of lawlessness) is on the rise.  And is it this spirit of lawlessness that seems to underly the current Occupy Wall Street unrest that has spread all across the U.S. and to every continent. Some are calling it “a new age insurrection, in which aggrieved people—enabled by social media and inspired by uprisings in North Africa and Europe—are uniting in opposition to what's wrong with the world." But what can protesters, who are only united by their common anger and resentment, hope to accomplish? Without leaders, goals, or solutions, isn’t it just mayhem and chaos?

How are we to discern these things? First, we shouldn’t be surprised. Jesus warned that lawlessness would increase in the end times (Mat. 24:12). Second, we must not be enticed by the spirit of lawlessness and chaos which foretells the day of the Lord. (2 Thessalonians 2:4-11) We are witnessing an unprecedented increase in chaos and lawlessness in 2011 that is much more insidious than a local gathering on Wall Street.

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