Thursday, April 10, 2014

Having "All Things" in Christ and a Flat Screen TV Too!

Yesterday I was driving through our neighborhood and saw a rooftop TV antenna, bringing to mind the days when we had little TV sets with rabbit ears and 3 channels. When we got rooftop antennas with more reception, we were ecstatic. And then, color TV. I remember feeling deprived that we still had a black-and-white when others had color. Imagine that; I thought a color TV would make me happy.

But it did not take me long to realize the fleeting pleasure of “things.” A very wealthy and wise King Solomon said, “Human desire is never satisfied” (Prov. 27:20). And who better to attest to the vanity of “things.” He had every “thing” (Eccl. 1:8). If he were alive today, no doubt he would have a humongous home theater!

Jesus warned of vainly pursuing “things” (Matt. 6:32); yet promised to give us “all things:” every “thing” we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), the spiritual, psychological, and physical resources required to accomplish the “things” He created us to do.  (Eph. 2:10; Phil. 2:12-14). But in order to take full possession of “all things,” we must let go of our “things.” And there isn't any “thing” worth more than that (Matt. 16:26)!

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