Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do You Really Need Another Piece of Chocolate Pie?

I had an unusually strong “felt need” for God as long as I can remember. I used to wonder if other people needed Him as much as I did. I didn’t know it then, but now I know I was normal!

God knows we are NEEDY—He made us that way. But He WANTS us to need HIM! When any person acknowledges his need, God is ready to reveal Himself. Our greatest need is God Himself--for life, strength, peace and joy.

Our problem is not that we are needy.
The problem is we are not turning to God to meet our needs.

Most of us have learned to be self-sufficient and independent—anything but in need. As a result we settle for far less than God wants to give us. We have learned to meet our needs from relationships, career, money, food, entertainment, sports, hobbies, personal affirmation, even from ministry. But God loves us too much to leave us there in that place which will only lead to dissatisfaction and futility. As well-provided American Christians we must be especially careful not to be like the Laodiceans who said? `We are rich. We have everything we want. We don't need a thing!'
(Rev. 3:17).

In the Garden of Eden, God provided for all of His children’s needs. He provided their physical needs, but also for psychological and spiritual needs by way of the fruit of the Tree of Life (which foreshadows the life of Jesus). But by choosing to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they were saying “we will meet our own spiritual needs.”

As you know Jesus better, you will know His divine power gives you everything you need
to live a godly life of fulfillment (2 Pet. 1:3 NLT). And that He will generously provide all you need (socially, psychologically, spiritually) in abundance (2 Cor.9:8 NLT).

The next time you feel your neediness do not quench it with another piece of chocolate pie. Go to your secret place and let Him fill you up with Himself.

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    Perhaps another way to restate the Laodicean error is, "It doesn't get any better than this!" And when a person is convinced of this lie then they don't expect anything more...they stop searching for more of God. They assume that the Infinite can be contained in their present set of circumstances or understanding of the Scriptures. They become "know it all's" and either set themselves up as ultimate authorities or become depressed because they have "reached" the highest point in their spiritual experience and it wasn't as fulfilling as they thought it would be. This is truly a "lukewarmness" that is nauseating to the Lord of the Church.

    But notice the phenomenal promise to the Laodiceans if they overcome this deception--they will qualify to sit with the Glorified Lord "in" His throne in the same manner as He overcame and has sat down with the Father in His throne!

    It is time we understand that the magnitude of God's intent and promises to include us in His grand design for the ages dwarfs our pride and ambitions to be an independent entity in the Kingdom of God and of His Christ.

    We would be wise in keeping the MAIN THING the main thing--all things are to be summed up in Christ! Let's get used to that truth now!

