Thursday, July 9, 2009

God Doesn’t Like Your Legs

Our manufactured home does not sit on a solid foundation; it rests on a number of strategically placed piers. And 15 years, they are still holding up our house.

Foundations are the unseen, unnoticed, but critical part of any building. The strength of the foundation will determine the quality and integrity of everything built upon it. The writer of Hebrews (6:1) describes our SPIRITUAL foundation as being built on two key principles: REPENTANCE FROM DEAD WORKS and FAITH TOWARD GOD. You cannot build a house of faith on a foundation of dead works.

Dead works are things done in your own strength, “self life” always wanting to prove its goodness & strength. While not inherently sinful, dead works are sin because they are acts of self-reliance, not faith: “Whatever is not from faith is sin.”
(Ro. 14:23).

The psalmist says “God does not delight in the strength of a horse not does he take pleasure in the LEGS OF A MAN (147:10)—legs of a man referring to one’s natural strength, talents, cleverness, resourcefulness, all contributing to self-righteousness. A man’s LEGS may be the foundation upon which his body rests. But cannot be the base upon which he builds his house of faith!

Have you been too proud of your legs! Is there anything you need to repent of?

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    I made my first conscious decision to follow Jesus when I was three years old--I'm 55 now. All along the way I have experienced many blessings and opportunities to bless. I have held many positions of responsibility within the local church, even been on staff. I was raised in a pastor's home and been on the receiving end of many conversations with evangelists, pastors, missionaries and a host of God's choicest servants and gifted leaders.

    But all of this spiritual pedigree means nothing if it does not lead me to the Cross and this foundation that: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the 'sweetest frame,' but wholly lean on Jesus' Name! On Christ the Solid Rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand--ALL OTHER GROUND is sinking sand!"

