Monday, April 28, 2014

You're not a Saint until the Pope says you're a Saint!

Dear saints, I cannot let yesterday's historical religious event go without a comment. In a ceremony at Vatican City, watched by millions on Satellite TV, Pope Francis canonized John XXIII and John Paul II. In Roman Catholicism, canonization only happens by papal authority after a long process proving the person lived and died in such a holy way that he or she is worthy to be called a saint. 
Can the Roman Catholic tradition be reconciled with biblical teaching? Not at all.

In Roman Catholic theology, the “saints” are in heaven. In the Bible, the “saints” are on earth. In Roman Catholic tradition, a person does not become a “saint” unless he/she is “beatified” by a bishop or “canonized” by the Pope. In the Bible, everyone who has received Jesus Christ by faith is a “saint.” In Roman Catholicism, the “saints” are prayed to. In the Bible, “saints” pray. (Acts 9:32; 2 Cor. 8:4; Eph. 1:1; Col. 1:2; Heb. 6:10)