Friday, May 29, 2009

Is the End Near?

Threats of nuclear attack from rogue nations; unending terrorist insurgencies in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq; unresolved Israeli/Palestinian conflict; unparalleled numbers of earthquakes, incomparable floods, unprecedented global recession; warnings of global warming (endangering polar bears and cuckoo birds)—just a few of today’s headline stories—reminders, or perhaps heralders, of this earth’s ultimate doom.

Is the end near?

In his Newsletter this week, our longtime friend and trusted teacher Lambert Dolphin said: “I am following world affairs far more closely than ever this year because of the speed of major developments around the world. I believe we are very near the end of the age, which means the Lord Jesus could well return for His church at any time now. Christians in the First Century hoped He would take place back in their day. We can't predict the date, but the news is full of signs that the Stage of History is now being set for the last act in the history of this age. Up ahead will be a terribly violent time culminating in the return of the Lord Jesus to restore and rebuild His planet and His people.”

Jesus told His disciples: "…be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming…” (Matthew 24:42).


  1. Greg,

    If one were to examine all of the prophecies in the Old Testament that seemed absolute in their certain fulfillment there are few that come across in sovereign declaration as God's pronouncement to Jonah about Nineveh's destruction. Yet we find that even in that prophecy was a hidden contingency based upon the response of the recipients of this prophecy. Jonah evidently knew about this ahead of time because he complained about it, feeling that the Assyrians were SO worthy of judgment because of the level of national and empirical sin they had achieved!

    What if the pronouncements in Revelation and elsewhere in the New Testament also had a "hidden" contingency and were written not so much for us to resign ourselves to but rather to prompt us to pray for repentance to form in the hearts of those for whom judgment is prepared?

    The question the Father asks Jonah at the end of his book is still appropriate!


  2. GREAT comment, Stan. We are told to pray for our leaders (Not criticize them!) Judgement starts with the House of God!
