Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Is Joel Osteen a False Shepherd or Just Irresponsible?

On his talk show recently, Piers Morgan asked Joel Osteen whether Mormonism was a Christian faith. Significantly, Joel had been asked the same question during the 2008 campaign. At that time, he claimed ignorance, but conceded that if they said they were Christians, he wasn’t going to judge them. 
Look Closely

Now, three years later, he is again being asked about the strange teachings of the Mormons (Jesus was the brother of Lucifer from a planet named Kolob, and that all Mormon men will be gods on their own planets). And his reply has not changed: “I probably don’t get hung up in them because I haven’t really studied them or thought about them… I mean, I don’t know.” Why hasn’t Joel studied the issue—he’s had 3 years to do so? How can he still claim ignorance? Does this make Joel Osteen a false teacher, or just very irresponsible?
The question deserves serious consideration. Every year, the media identify Joel as one of the most influential people in America. For him to claim that Mormonism is a Christian religion shows a shocking ignorance of basic biblical doctrine—an irresponsibility of biblical proportions that is sure to confuse the sheep! 

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