Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is Marriage on the Rocks?

I can’t tell you how many people have asked me if I think Glenn Beck (who converted from Catholicism to Mormonism) is a Christian. Most Americans refer to themselves as Christian. But what does that mean to them?  America has produced a plethora of Christianized groups professing a Christian worldview. But if you look close enough, you'll see they don’t have a “Biblical" worldview.

Researcher George Barna reports that while 80% of Americans consider themselves Christian, only 6% have a Biblical worldview. The distance between the two grows greater every day. Those who live by the Bible are seen as disconnected from the culture, and dangerously intolerant of its changes.
A recent poll shows that the institution of marriage is on the decline. A Pew Survey shows that in 1960, 68% of all twenty-something’s were married, but in 2008, just 26% were. Moreover, the survey finds that the millennial generation is inclined to view cohabitation without marriage and other new family forms, such as same-sex marriage, as a normal and acceptable part of the culture. Yet many of these would claim they espouse a Christian worldview, obviously not realizing how much they have been shaped by the culture. That’s why we must promote a Biblical worldview. If so-called Christians aren't firmly established on this Rock, their so-called faith will end up “on the rocks.”


  1. Greg,

    Two thoughts: 1) Jesus told us to "let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven" (Mt.5:16, NKJV). Passive Christian response to the evils in our world produces passive Christian generations, which the world has little time for. On the other hand, active Christianity, starting within our own household and the relationships therein, WILL draw the attention of the world to consider godly alternatives to what has become acceptable solutions to society's ills.

    2)Since our hope of glory is Christ in us (Col.1:27) we therefore need to seek ways and means to "release" Him into our world. The approaches that served previous generations are now passe, and we need Holy Spirit-creative answers that can be recognized as indeed from the mind of God.

    As Paul says it: "...not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Cor.2:4,5 NKJV)

    Immovable objects--those placed by our enemy--need to be removed by the irresistable force of the Holy Spirit in the minds, mouths, and hands of God's people, that our Savior and Lord might be lifted up so He can draw all men unto Himself! (John 12:32, NKJV)


  2. And this is why I believe the church is in a sad condition, Stan. The church, in large, has been secularized. Perhaps the church(es) are now overcompensating for years of mindless fundamentalism, manifesting Christianity as a bunch of do's and don't's. A correction is coming soon.

