Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Today is known as “May Day” or “International Workers’ Day” in 80 countries around the world. The day keeps alive the interests of the working class, the need to promote better working conditions from employers and governments. Last year on May 1, tens of thousands of members of Occupy Wall Street and labor unions marched in the streets around the US to commemorate May Day, to protest the dismal state of the economy, and specifically the growing divide between the rich and the poor. Since then, has anything changed? (a rhetorical  question!)

Paradoxically, the term “Mayday” is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice radio communications. Significantly, it derives from the French venez m'aider, meaning "come help me."

It seems to many discerning believers that the dismal state of the economy is a metaphor for the dull moral state in America. Even the Church is in peril of falling in to the vortex of this moral shock wave. Perhaps today is a day we should all be crying out to God “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!” “Help us, LORD our God; save us according to your unfailing love” (Ps. 109:26)

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