Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Is Technology Spinning Us Out of Control?

With technology advancing so rapidly, is anyone concerned how it is changing us? It was only a century ago we began to drive and fly; and since then, we've gone from “Nuclear Age” to “Space Age” to “Information Age.” In the last 30 years, new inventions are arriving at the fastest rate in history. Can anyone contend that they are not radically, and irreversibly, changing our lives? Are we better off?  And if so, at what cost to the human psyche?

Can we look to social scientists for the answer? Unlikely. Cultural changes resulting from new technologies are coming too fast to be observed for long-term effects. By the time a longitudinal study begins, users have already moved on to the next latest thing.

How our civilization will cope with this amazing speed of change is yet to be seen. Is it a sign of the end time, “when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase” (Dan. 12:4)? Maybe. But one thing is certain. As Spirit-led believers, we must beware of changes in our culture, and how they are changing us, and more importantly, how they may be hurting us and our faith (Ps. 139:24; 2 Cor. 13:5).


  1. Good morning Greg,
    Good assessment of our times! Thank you!
    It is what we allow to become Lord of our lives moment by moment that externally defines what we internally affirm. Technological change is the new constant. And as you have noted, that rate of change is increasing.
    And as you have previously noted, we are more both socially connected (an addiction for some) and more alone. Now that the access to digital information is ubiquitous and personal, that social connectivity and feelings of loneliness are exacerbated.
    We look for technology tools because we believe that they will make our life easier. What I have learned is that what those tools do is increase the pace of life. When I had my first Palm Pilot, I was thrilled that I could keep all of my to do list in one place. Because I could manage that list more effectively with the technology, what I experienced was an exponential growth in my to do list. I had a new master that was not empathetic, understanding, tolerant, or forgiving.
    I am not saying throw out technological advances. What I am saying, is that it makes for a good servant, but a tyrant for a master.
    Larry Q

  2. Good analysis of technology's potentials for good and evil. I am very afraid that the addiction and dependency on our tech tools is the 'greater harm than good' paradigm. But the scarier thing is that no one knows how such advances are really affecting, or effecting, us!
